Monday, December 31, 2007

6A'03 Class Gathering

I woke up feeling unwell and promptly went back to sleep even though I had set the alarm early for me to get up. I slept for about an hour more before waking up feeling a whole lot better.

It was the day of our 6A’03 class gathering. As I made my way there on bus, I was contemplating to myself, did I feel unwell because I had a foreign pathogen in my body or was it all in my mind? I mean, who wouldn’t feel scared and awkward? It had been 2 years, no, 4 years that I had met some of my primary school friends.

I walked into the air-conditioned room where there were two set of tables that were separated by the food in the middle. One was where all the girls sat and one where all the boys sat. I grinned to myself. The gender division yet again. I guess some things take a while to change or maybe never change.

Meeting my primary school classmates was at the end of it all, a joy. It was nice to see many of them grow up and feel proud that they are much taller than me now. Yes, you guys caught up with me or grew even taller, congratulations. No matter, some of you did not change at all, but most importantly is what sort of person you had become. Well, I managed to click with every single one of you still and that made me happy.

We headed back to H.I.P.S after lunch and met up with some of our teachers. I was surprised my form teacher still remembered me after so long. That was nice. Maybe I did leave an impression after all, or maybe I just looked the same. Anyways, it was nostalgic and sad while speaking to them, feeling how much we had missed the teachers, school and having lessons together.

Then I though to myself, would I feel the same way about VS? I smacked myself mentally in my mind, of course I would. What with the new school term starting in 2 days and all, who wouldn’t feel that way?

Well, I’ll leave that “look back” bit to me for a while, this post doesn’t need such emotions just yet. Class gatherings are meant to be happy and bright occasions not dark and depressing.

I would like to shout out to all the organisers for putting in the hard work to get most of us back together on that day. We had a ball of a time. You guys did a good job planning and inviting the lot of us. Thank you!

6A’03 class gathering… shall we meet in another year or 2 years?

Well let’s just find out how the following year would have in store for us then.

Till then, I wish all of you all the best.

Hail Mary.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Japan Trip Pictures!

First day I arrived in Japan, we started on our bus trip and had a stop over at this place called Gotemba. Most of the shops here are on the high end and they're supposed to be factory outlets.
I stopped over at Hugo Boss to look at some slippers and a $300 price tag was hanging off its side. If $300 is considered "cheap" at a factory outlet, then I'm not sure what expensive is.

Traditional Japanese room that I stayed in when I was in the Hakone region.
It's simple yet elegant at the same time.

Ever imagined how I'd look in a dress? If any of you did... then I think you need help.
Well, this is the closest you'd ever get to seeing me in one.
It's called a Yukata, or Japanese traditional costume for men.
(It's easier to strip before going into the hot spring. Just slip everything off.)
And yes, I was wearing underwear.

The view from my room, gorgeous isn't it?
The colours of the leaves change ever so often, what you see today may not be seen tomorrow...

This looks a little like the trees in Hollywood!
But get this, this place is but a mere park in Japan.

Which is redder?
The leaves or my shoes?

Japanese kid who was playing in the park.
Japanese cutes are like super cute, especially when they open their mouths to speak...
It's like kawaii haven.

"We're sleeping!"
My cousin and a daughter from one of my uncle's friends playing on a bench.

Thsi is how traditional our stay was.
That's how we had our meals.
Cue "Da Chang Jin" music, please!

See the big glass bowl beside the set-up?
That's where the fish were swimming a few minutes ago.
The chef speared them through the mouths and out of their stomachs before cooking them as seen above.
Cruel, but true.

Interesting way to cook our beef!
It's a stone that has been heated to a super high temperature so we can grill our beef.

The mochi that I made when I was at a mochi factory!
That's a flower and an orange.
They're kawaii and oishii!
And I'm proud that I made such cute things!

This roller coaster owns Escape Theme Park's roller coaster 123534637467658 times over.
I sat on this coaster like 3 times till my face and hands felt frozen after that.

I like my branded water and chocolate!
Thanks Ritz-Carlton!

Disneyland Tokyo!

The X'mas tree in Disneyland at night!

In front of a restaurant called "A-Bu-Cha" which served the most delicious food in the world. I was stuffed after that dinner. It was snowing rather heavily that night.
But hey, who's complaining? =)

If only every Singaporean male could just learn how to pee properly, our toilets would be so much cleaner and hygenic.
I miss the heated toilet seats and automated cleaning/washing device on the toilet seats.
I like the feeling when you sit on the toilet seat and not go "Ahh!" but "Ahhhhhhhhhh".

Ethan and I playing in the snow!
Isn't the snow gorgeous?

A giant crab that was served to us during one particular dinner.
We had dinner at this crab restaurant where almost every dish was a crab dish.
There was crab sashimi, grilled crab, chilled crab, crab porridge, crab fried rice and many more!
Thankfully, nothing was crap.

Why so shy, ladies?
These 2 pictures were taken at a glass shop which is modelled like the glass shops along the streets of Venice.

This dish was truly exotic.
The pinkish part at the top is fish.
The colourful parts at the bottom are the condiments which consisted of mayo, caviar, wasabi, biscuits and others.
You're supposed to mix everything together and dip it into the sauce in the pink dish at the side.
It tasted wonderful!
Pretty too!

A model Pokemon aeroplane owned by ANA.
I saw the real thing at the airport but I didn't manage to take a picture... Aww.
I even saw a Tamagotchi plane too!
Isn't this so cool?

Well, that's some of the highlights of the trip!
As you can see, there aren't many pictures of tourist attractions because we were free and easy during the trip. I feel it's more enjoyable too! I'm gonna miss Japan.

I think I left my heart in Japan when I left.
It's probably buried in the snow somewhere.
Hopefully I get another chance to go back there and retrieve it!


I Am Legend... right.

It was the 26th of December, a day after Christmas when we had a little class gathering. About the 11 of us 4H people got together to watch the movie I Am Legend. The movie was okay, I wouldn't say good.

I felt that it was really slow at some parts and there wasn't enough action. Maybe what the director was trying to convey was the human emotions involved between the main characters and less of the action. I'm not sure really but I sure thought the ending sucked... My heart did leapt out countless times because of the loud noises and "shocks".

It's like a premature heart attack or something when watching the movie.

Anyways, we headed over to VivoCity for dinner. This time, only about 8 of us were left because many went home for dinner. Walked around the area to look at the Christmas lights!

Did you notice that the three of us are wearing white?
That's because we're all pure and innocent! (:

Group photo!
Oh wait, there's someone else in the photo besides us!
Yupp, we met Miss Yeo at VivoCity having dinner with a special someone.
Hmm, can you guess who?
He was the one who took this picture by the way.
Haha! Well, it was nice meeting them.
It was more like meeting friends than teachers really, we had fun joking and teasing them while catching up on everything!

Hope to see them soon! =)

Hail Mary.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Like, that's hot.

Hey hey hey!

I’m finally back in (boring) Singapore!
Thankfully though, it’s Christmas time!
So after spending 2 weeks in Japan, it came to a halt yesterday as the plane came to a screech on our airport runway.

The flight was terrible, the entire entertainment system was screwed up and we were left with limited number of shows that were on repeat all the time. It sucked that the flight takes 7 hours and you have almost nothing to do. I spent the time watching all the comedies that could be played and attempted to play some of the games which could not work AT ALL. So closed my eyes and took a nap instead.

The flight supervisor apologized profusely throughout the entire flight for the system error and mentioned that we would be compensated with a “gift” at the end of the trip. The SIA staff at the airport handed us a nicely packaged box that had the words “Our sincere apologies”. My goodness, I thought it’d be something nice like a watch or a model plane… imagine my shock when I opened the box and found out that is was After paying thousands of dollars for my flight I end up with a passport holder?

What is the world coming to?

Then again, you can’t ever expect too much from SIA. Ugh.
Well, I’ll put that behind me now.

Let me just wrap up what I did on the last few days. Took a bus to Sapporo instead of a plane and it took us about 2 hours. I was so sad to leave Niseko, the snow and skiing, it was soo romantic and lovely. Haha. Did I just say that? Anyway, Sapporo was freezing; it’s like -3.3 degrees at night when we walked along the streets. We spent the first day having lunch at some famous Ramen street where many celebrities had gone there before. Ordered some weird ramen which had pork and crab with scallops thrown in. I’m not a big fan on ramen though so I guess it was okay. The seafood was good though, no wonder the freakin’ bowl cost me $15.

Spent the next few days shopping and shopping and shopping. Though I wasn;t the one buying anything, it was others. I just bought lots of chocolates and snacks, they really do have a good selection of snacks in Japan. No wonder they get so fat.

Oh in Japan, McDonalds is selling this burger called the “McPork” with a cute pig as its mascot. When I saw the poster I was like what the hell? Then I realized it’s Japan and everyone eats pork here and like, nothing's Halal or anything, but it was thoroughly amusing though.
I wanted to take a picture but it felt random...

I’m feeling the heat in Singapore now! Can’t stand it, I’m not used to the hot weather after spending so long in a cold country. I’m gonna miss everything about Japan! The food, the people, the snow, MTV Japan, skiing etc.

Gosh, I wanna go back there again!
I hope that’d happen soon in the near future!
Besides today is X’mas eve so everyone…


Enjoy your X’mas dinners and all the presents you’d be receiving! =)
Holiday pictures will be up soon!

Hail Mary.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Skiing is LOVE.

Hello once again!
After so many days, my roomie and I just realised that we could use the internet from our own room and hence I'm sitting in the comfort of my own hotel room and blogging sans noise from Japanese and crazy angmohs.

So today was back to skiing again. Didn't do much in the morning because I didn't want to join the beginners class and do some really boring turns and all. Headed over to the higher slopes to practise my turns and speed control. I guess it paid off when I finally had a coach in the afternoon when he took me up the mountains to try out some skiing.

I had a disastrous time yesterday as you all know, hurting my balls and bumping myself all over. It took my one and a half freakin' hours just to get down. Luckily, I fell less today and managed to get down in about 40 minutes! I improved drastically! ^^

Anyways, today was the last day of skiing so I'm kinda sad but glad at the same time because I managed to learn alot today. My instructor commented that I was a "prodigy" because I could learn stuff really quick. Like he said that I could learn parallel skiing in 4 days whereas others took 3 weeks and he said I was really good. But I suppose he's just exaggerating. Hmm.

Oh well, skiing is an unforgettable experience! Just that I can't do it for too many days or I'll end up a mangled, bruised and battered mess. I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to all my ski instructors:

Bino-san, Yuko-chan, Jo, Shawn, Sakai-san, Daniel and Paul! (:

You guys rocked my skiing world!
Yeah! And yes, I had so many instructors because I was thrown everywhere because I switched between private and group coaching. Ahh, such is the troubles of a beginner skier amongst pros. I still enjoyed myself so that's okay!

So tomorrow I'll be waking up really early because I wanna take more pictures of myself in the snow and around the ski slopes. It's pretty! I'll be taking a flight and heading over to Sapporo tomorrow to do some shopping so hopefully that'd be interesting too!

Ooh, I just saw BoA's commerical for Toshiba on TV with her latest single Lose Your Mind playing in the background! How cool is that! Japanese commericals are just so cool because almost all of them have Japanese songs accompanying them! They're funny too!

I'm going to turn in now!
Have a goodnight everyone!
Lol, I'm watching Desperate Housewives on TV now! Haha.

Nights! =)

I had a "Yard Sale" today!
Haha, know what that means?
I fell during one of the runs on the slopes and everything flew off, my skis, my poles, my goggles... ok you get the point.
That's what my instructor calls it!
Thank goodness nothing broke! Phew!

Hail Mary.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


It's the third day of skiing here at Niseko and not Sapporo that I mentioned in my previous post! My back hurts and my thighs are sore already... BUT skiing is seriously enjoyable and at the same time thrilling so I'm totally cool abourrit! =)

My aunt keeps mentioning that I'd grow fat because we've been stuffing ourselves like crazy for dinner everyday. The food is damn good though, just steep on the prices, thank goodness I'm not paying!

Anyways, ski lessons continue tomorrow so I need to sleep early and wake up early everyday. My aunt keeps asking me if I'm enjoying myself and I keep telling her I am! How can anyone not be enjoying themselves? With all these indulgences, I'm sure there's something for everyone!

For example, I was so burnt out after skiing yesterday that my aunt signed me up for foot reflexology. I was so embarrassed when I got into the room with the ladies there. Then one lady approached me and said, "Take off your pants and put on this towel." I was like shy and stuff... uhh.

But when the massage started, I was like OH MY GOSH. It was soooo relaxing! I got to choose my own aroma therapy oils and I chose the one called "Relax". Haha. Though I was still kinda shy still but it felt soo good! You could get a high when you feel all your sore body parts being worked by the masseuse! My feet felt smooth and sensuous after that with all the nice aroma emanating from my feet! Mmmm.

I'm in the bar now and this group of Japanese men at the next table in front of me are so noisy!!! Annoying the hell outta me! One man just said "Fuck you" to another guy in a Japanese accent and I was grinning away at his words! Oops! Oh yeah, they keep shouting "Yatta!" when their billard balls get into the holes...

Got to go sleep now! It's late!
Hopefully I come back in one piece after this ski trip! One of my other aunts sprained her leg today and she is now in a brace... Ouch! Wishing her a speedy recovery!

I slammed my balls on my ski today when I slipped and fell, thank goodness nothing flew off... That would be so SAD. I want all my bits intact and not be destroyed in such a pathetic way!!! Argh.

Okay, that was retarded! xD


This is my 100th post on my blog! Coolness eh?
And I'll be back on the 23rd if any of you are curious!
So yeah, have a pleasant night y'all!

Hail Mary.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Hi everyone!
I'm now in the Sapporo region where it is snowing like crazy, think it's a heavy blizzard or something.
There's only two words to describe the weather right now and that is Fucking Freezing, hence the blog post title.

I thought Tokyo was cold... I guess I ain't seen nothing yet!
The wintery feel is really cool though, all the nice white stuff like frozen semen is everywhere!

Sorry for all the weird talk... must be the weather... blame it all on the weather darlings!

Reached here in the afternoon via airplane and bus about 3pm where the wind was blowing very strongly.
I managed to take Business Class for the first time in my life!
Unfortunately, it's Business Class on JAL airlines and the flight was only two hours!
Heck there wasn't even a screen for me to watch shows and stuff.
Whiled the time away by listening to the music channels on the plane!
Never mind, it was nice to have so much leg room for once! =)

Spent the entire afternoon selecting my ski boots and skis for tomorrow's lesson which hopefully, I get to master the skiiing techniques as fast as possible!
I'm typing this post really slowly because the damn keyboard is a Japanese one and I keep messing up all the letters and icons. Ahh!

Not feeling too well today, I'm damn shagged and my tummy's all bloated and stuff, must have been the beef from last night... I ate so much I think the food was exploding out of my ears already!

Praying that I feel much better tomorrow, yups!
By the way, if any of you need to sms me urgently, please do!
I can receive your messages, though whether you get a reply is optional!

Alright I got to go get my dinner now!
Maybe I'll add edits later on! =)

Hail Mary.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hello Japan!

Hey hey boys & girls!
How is everyone doing?
I'm freezing here and my lips feel so dry!
I'm now at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Tokyo and it's kinda late here cos Japan is 1 hr ahead of Singapore!
Been to exotic regions like Hakone and Ryokan and tried many exotic dishes!

I had fish sperm yesterday! o.O
It's kinda gooey and I didn't really like the taste but i tried it for the fun of it! I almost puked but i swallowed it down! How's that?

Also, I got over the fear of going to the hot springs!
I have no qualms about jumping into the hot spring with naked (old) men now! =D
Time to get over my noobie fears of skiing!
I'll be heading over to DisneyLand tomorow and I think it's gonna be great!
Alright, I'll try to blog more about what's happening tomorrow!

By the way, I just checked my PAE results and I'm quite happy with my posting so that's good! Though my fate is kinda sealed cos I can't change anything because I am in Japan!

I LOVE my hotel room! It overlooks the city and I can see the Tokyo Tower from here! I wanna go to Shinjuku, Shibuya and Harajuku! But none of the adults wanna go there! Aww.

By the way, thanks for all the tags guys! Makes me happy to see your well wishes while I'm overseas! Tag more kay? LOVE!
Oyasumi! (Gdnite!)

Hail Mary.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fight the Gobblers!


In about 5 hours, Nicolas will be leaving for Narita, Japan where he will spend the next 2 weeks of his life in single digit and negative zero temperatures. After spending the whole weekend packing his bag and ransacking his brain to ensure that he has left out nothing, he sincerely hopes that he will not freeze to death in Japan, for that will be a terrible tragedy.

He’s also starting to shudder at the thought of having to jump into a hot spring with other people in all their stark nakedness for that will be very very difficult for a shy person like him. But hopefully, the cold will drive him out of this mentality and into the hot waters of the hot springs.

Nicolas will also do his very best to buy goodies home for his friends and family members without going bankrupt. He will also do his best to update this blog while in Japan and give everyone more insight into his adventures in Japan. That said, he will try his best to enjoy himself to the fullest and take in everything that he experiences.

So without further ado, I shall bid sunny Singapore and everyone else sayonara and I shall see you all when I’m back during Christmas!

Wish me Bon Voyage and I shall see you in 14 days!
Tata~! =)


In a bid to fight the Great Ominous Boredom (G.O.B), Nicolas and his friends decided to go to Escape Theme Park last Wednesday morning. The weather seemed fine in the morning, with only a slight drizzle in the wee hours of the day. We met up at Escape Theme Park and bought our tickets. As we made our way in, Mother Nature threw a major bitch fit and unleashed a downpour on us. Not wanting to be dampened by the change in weather, we made our way to the Haunted House where robotic ghouls and zombies attacked us relentlessly.

I was at the tail end of the group of 4 and I must say that I wasn’t as scared as the other 3 in my group, though it was funny to see the other 3 cursing away and going “FUCK!” loudly when those vile contraptions lunged at us. Okay fine, honestly, I was only freaked at the part where the zombie was split into 2 at the torso… but I didn’t scream out loud!

Anyway, I ended up having to DRAG them around the entire house before coming out in the open again. Damn, I should have added a few screams to scare the hell out of everyone.

What happened to all the masculinity (!), people?

After that we ended up getting stuck in the tent area where kids rampaged around the game booths and we did nothing but chat the time away, praying all the while that the rain would let up. Matt & Kev took the time to play a “Throw the ring around the neck of a glass bottle game” for $2 a shot because there was a chance to win a DVD player if one managed to get the ring around the neck of an elusive yellow bottle in the middle of a sea of green bottles. They attempted the game twice ---- and failed both times, much to our laughter and the amusement of the staff.

We spent about 2 hours waiting for the rain to let up but it just rained and rained. We went for lunch and decided after that to go bowling at Safra Tampines. Alighting at the bus stop outside Safra, it was either a mad dash or slow walk for some of us who decided to use the umbrella. Either way, the thunderstorm still soaked us to the skin.

Drenched and trudging into the bowling alley with squeaky shoes, we changed and then went on to play 2 games of bowling. I still think I suck at bowling, averaging about 90 for each game only. Ahh, Firdaus is really good at the game though! He bowled 3 strikes in the last frame! Like whoa!

After the bowling, some of us went to play pool while some of us played the Photo Hunt game on the touch screen computer. We couldn’t stand the fact that the top scored was hogged by a girl named “WXY”. It was annoying because we kept getting so close to her top score and then dying. Never to admit defeat, we spammed coins and hogged the computer for almost 2 hours. I think we spent almost $20 on that computer playing the game.

Haha, BUT we managed to beat that biatch’s high score in the end and it was an amazing feeling because the 7 of us had worked together to find all the differences in the picture. So then we had to enter in our names for the high score and we eventually decided on “VS OWNS WXY” and we all just laughed about it. This triumphant moment was definitely the highlight of the stormy day!

We had dinner at Tampines Mall at LJS which was awfully crowded. While having dinner, we met Amos and chatted with him to catch up on what he has been doing the past few days. The night was still young so we went over to Century Square to catch The Golden Compass. Bade goodbye to Firdaus and Amos as they had to go home before the rest of us went in for the movie.

The movie was good though, in terms of all the CGI effects and stuff. Nicole Kidman was really good in her character as the evil Mrs Coulter. The girl playing Lyra was good for a newbie. I think the movie was a little too rushed and it had to end with a stupid cliff-hanger. Now we have to wait for years for the rest of the movies to come out before we can know more. Thankfully, I’ve read the trilogy already so I know vaguely what’s gonna happen for the rest of the movies…

Read the book though, it’s more exhilarating than the cut-short movie version.

General Oblation Board – Great Ominous Boredom = G.O.B
Fight the gobblers!
As like the title of this post! (:


Went for my monthly dentist visit on Friday and met up with Wei Jie for lunch at Parkway. Decided to check out Borders since it just opened and it was great! It’s way better than MPH. Had lunch at Astons’ before we went back to school. Met Danial in the MC room where he was surfing the net and I went to clear my books and files from the MC room. Great job clearing the room guys! It looks uber clean! WJ and I chatted with Danial for a while before we left for Suntec City because WJ wanted to watch Hitman. Unfortunately, we were too late for the movie so we decided to walk around.

Headed to the new shopping area on the same level where the cinema is located. The shops there are quite hip and the stuff is reasonably priced. Bought a pair of slippers because they looked nice and it was cheap too! Walked around some more and we arrived at waffle cottage where we had ice-cream!

Strawberry, Triple Chocolate and Cookies & Cream flavoured ice-cream!
Topped off with chocolate sauce and peanuts!

A little steep on the price though, this cost us $7.50... ouch!
It was worth it though, yum!

There was also this soccer table for us to play --- for free! It was just placed in this little soccer decorated corner and we could play for as long as we want. Played a few games with WJ and we took turns thrashing each other… haha!

Walked around Carrefour because WJ wanted to grab some foodstuff and we had fun being cheapos and just helped ourselves to the samples at the meat section. The meat is very very tasty!

Walked around a little more after that before we went home!


Woke up really early on Saturday morning to sms WJ about the weather condition here in Pasir Ris because we wanted another go at Escape. We got complimentary tickets from that day by the way; the manager had to compensate us since we couldn’t play any of the rides.

Javin, Farez, WJ, Vincent and I then spent the entire day playing at Escape, which would be a whole lot more fun if the stupid Revolution was not under servicing. Nonetheless, the rest of the rides provided enough fun for the entire day. I loved the screaming matches on the Viking Ship, the adrenaline rush on the Go-Karts and the splashing of water on the Wet & Wild ride.

Thanks goodness it only drizzled a little and the weather was sunny for the day! ^.^

After a long day of screaming, laughing and more screaming, we parted ways, satisfied that it was a Saturday well-spent. And yes, I think all of us reached home totally spent as well! I’m sure we all had a nice good sleep that night.

Alrighties, I’ll end here then.
Maybe I’ll add edits later on!

Hail Mary.

Friday, December 07, 2007


I know that this is a day late but…

Desmond Goh celebrated his birthday yesterday on the 6th of December!

Here’s congratulating him on becoming a 16-year-old!

Our '06/'07 Library Vice-chairman is finally 16!
Applause please!

It’s always a joy going home with you after a long day in school or after library duty!
It's also great fun trading insults with you, we’d always have a good laugh about that! :D

Well, those of you who know Desmond please wish him a happy birthday!

Once again, happy saccharine-sweet 16 birthday to Desmond Goh Sheng Jun!
Hope to see you soon!

May you receive tons of presents! =)

Hail Mary.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Well, the above title refers to the play I attended on Saturday evening that was performed by the Sec 4 RGS GEP girls. Love Me, Hate Me, Kill Me Now. I attended the show because Wei Ling had asked us to go through an email she sent about a month ago and I only ordered the tickets from her about a week earlier. My bad.

And Wei Ling was performing too! I think she did great in her character as “The Ex-Girlfriend”. Wei Ling has a funny bone in her! I was laughing really hard when I saw her on stage and no, I didn’t puke as she said I would! Great job, girl!

The play was great! I really enjoyed the show because of its quirky characters, laugh out loud jokes and some really really lame scenes. The play ran for almost 2 hours and it was really worth the ticket price of $7.

All ticket proceeds were going to the Children’s Cancer Foundation so I was enjoying a great drama production whilst doing charity work! =)

I went to the play with Gena and we saw many of our friends there from other schools. Met RGS girls whom we have worked with from PSC and I chatted with them to catch up on everything. I met my ex-classmate form primary school whom I haven’t seen in years! Nice to meet you once again! We should catch up more often! Mmmhmm.

Oh yeah, I saw a few teen celebrities there too. There was Nathan Hartono (that jazz singer) and I saw Zheng Ning from Campus at the pedestrian crossing while waiting. It was weird to see her standing there and Gena and I were like, is that her? We tried to peek at her face sneakily because she was staring down at her handphone. Haha, now that I think back, it’s quite hilarious actually. But we confirmed that it was her! I wanted to ask to take a picture with her but I just thought it was quite random and inappropriate. =X

Also, I felt waves of nostalgia rushing at me when I stepped into RGS. Ahh, the memories of waking up early in the morning to attend PSC; the Saturday afternoons spent having meetings in the classroom, dry runs, water games…

When I stepped into the KS Chee, I realised I had actually performed in there and also emceed (horribly) twice before. Haha, the place where the evil alter-ego Nicole rose up and possessed me to do shameful, slutty actions that has made me infamous till today. *Sighs*
I’m gonna have to live with it…

Anyways, sitting at the second row in the KS Chee was really cool because we were THAT near to the actors. You could just reach over and smack one of them if you wanted to… though that was never my intention. I thought there was great interaction with the audience. Not to mention, the people in the front rows were pelted with flying sweets. Ouch.

Overall, I really enjoyed myself and I think everyone else did too! Hopefully there will be more drama productions I can attend in the near future. I still can’t get over the fact that I missed EMD. Aww, I missed a great night of fun and laughter.

It was one heck of an unforgettable night!
Kudos to all the RGS girls who executed the entire event!(:

Hail Mary.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Never judge a book by its cover

I was out with Vincent and Matt on Friday to do a little shopping and after we spent the entire afternoon walking round and round Vivocity, we each managed to get an article for ourselves.

We had our tea break eating nice cakes at Gloria Jeans Café. We had the carrot cake and the mud cake; the carrot cake wasn’t too bad but the mud cake was better. Matt and I felt the cakes were a little too dry though.

Chocolaty-licious Mud Cake!
Nice butterfly pattern on the plate, huh?

Thanks for the nice tea break treat, Matt!

Our legs tired and sore, we parted ways at around 7 in the evening. That said, we had spent approximately 7 hours in Vivo walking around and checking out clothes. Shopping is really tiring BUT to me, it was also very therapeutic. It did cheer me up and snap me out of my usually PMS-y state.

Took the MRT with Vincent to a mall where we had dinner. Now back to the title of this entry. Never, ever, judge a book by its cover. We had dinner at a certain eatery where a schoolmate was working at. We used to be friends in lower sec but I think we just “stopped” being friends because we were in different upper sec classes. Vincent told me he was working there and I was like, “Don’t know, don’t care la, let’s just dao him!”

So when we entered and sat there, I stupidly went to use the giant menu to shield my face and started a long and endless tirade about this schoolmate. I think I bitched about him for almost 10 minutes. When we wanted to order food, Vincent went to signal to him for our order and he surprisingly attended to us first. Then after dining for awhile, he plonked a dessert on our table that we didn’t order and just shrugged it off when I told him I didn’t order it.

Let me just sum it up in that, we did not have to pay as much as we had to for the meal.

Yes, so after everything, I felt awful. I felt guilty. I felt ashamed of myself. Stupid Nicolas was a mean boy, he was being a bitch. Vincent too, chastised me for being so shallow and for bitching so much about this guy. I learnt my lesson the hard way...

Ahh, as I sat in the bus home that night, I just had this sinking feeling in my heart. As you all know, judging a book by its cover works in both good and bad ways. You may think you know someone but that isn’t always the case. This time, I failed to notice the goodness of someone else’s heart and unleashed a personal grudge upon this schoolmate because I ASSUMED who he was without putting myself in his shoes.

I think it boils down to understanding.

It’s always difficult to know someone when you hardly meet the person and you would soon assume his character and attitude through his actions; whether he is with his friends, his studies, etc. Through this experience, I think I should try to be less belligerent and also to not judge someone from inside while looking at him from the outside all the time. Don’t you have this feeling when you meet someone you do not know very well but you consider him as a “friend”. Sometimes I just want to avoid these situations because of the awkwardness and maybe even the embarrassment. Embarrassing myself, that is.

Oh, how I regret my actions and thoughts during that day. I hope all of you who are reading this do not think like me, if you do, well, maybe you should try to change your perspective of others. Because sometimes it might just catch you by surprise and instead of being filled with happiness, you’d be feeling regretful…

Just like how I’m feeling now. So I just wanna say, “Thanks!” to this schoolmate of mine for giving me this valuable experience and to allow me to improve myself even more.

I wish him all the best. =)

Oh yes, I shall try harder to regard more of my "friends" as Friends.

Happy December y'all!
Doesn't time fly by so fast?

Hail Mary.


Nicolas Yee
30 Jan '91
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Long weeks ahead...


To do better in life.



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